What Makes Mike Howl

What Makes Mike...


Note from Stan: The article you are about to read about Mike Howell first appeared in the Big Dogs Bulletin over 10 years ago! After a few successful years with us, he dropped out of the program – you’ll find out why shortly.

Since then he went on to write a number of e-books himself, designed his own websites, and sold affiliate products successfully.

Eventually our Mike became the webmaster for Bob Wieland a nationally renowned motivational speaker. Bob WielBob Wieland and Mike Howelland, a double-amputee who lost his legs in military service, was the guy who walked across America on his hands! You can read a brief synopsis of his exploits at the right.   untitled-3

After a hiatus of over 10 years, Mike recently came back to the Big Dogs organization because in his words, “…a revelation dawned on me, that the things that I really wanted I could’ve gotten faster, smarter and easier if I would have just stayed with Big Dogs. So here I am.”

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at this article, remember that IT IS OVER 10 YEARS OLD!


Thousands of self-help books have been written about the importance of “PMA.”

Positive Mental Attitude is that human quality that allows us to rise above adversity and tragedy to achieve personal greatness.

And never… I mean NEVER… In all my years of working with people have I had the honor of working with a man who epitomizes Positive Mental Attitude more than Mike Howell!

Read the following article carefully my friends, and be INSPIRED! It is a story of amazing persistent and incredible courage. Never again will you allow unfavorable circumstances to rule your destiny. Never again will you accept defeat. Never again will you say, “I just can’t do it!”

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a genuine honor for me to introduce to you…

… Mike Howell!


“Mike, before we get into the meat and potatoes of this article, I feel it’s important to give our readers a little background. Our records indicates that you purchased the “Secrets of the Big Dogs” e-book QUITE a while ago… Just six months after it was originally published March 2001 -ed) Interestingly, in one of our later phone conversations you told me that you didn’t get around to reading the e-book until well over a year later! You upgraded to alpha dog soon after and for the next two years were a steadily,  consistent producer.”

“Then when we spoke early this year you revealed
something to me that made my jaw drop!”

But we’re going to keep our audience in suspense for just a while longer, Mike. Before we get to that “jaw-dropping” conversation, I’d like you to tell your fellow Big Dogs about yourself.”

Mike: “Thanks for the opportunity to talk to the rest of the Big Dogs, Stan! I am 46 years old and have no previous business background. I have an undergraduate degree in newspaper journalism (with an emphasis on sports and documentaries) and wrote sports articles during high school and college.”

“Upon graduation from college I was commissioned a lieutenant in the Army. After three years service I resigned my commission to pursue a graduate degree in theology so that I could return as a chaplain in the Army or be a pastor.”

“But before I completed my degree the major tragedy of my life occurred…”

“One day a buddy of mine and I were at the beach. We decided to have one more quick swim before calling it a day. We ran into the water, and I dove into what (I thought!) was waste-deep water. Unfortunately, I hit a submerged sandbar, and the next thing I knew I was floating face-down in the water.”

“I had broken my neck and was permanently paralyzed
from the neck down!”

“Immediately after my injury I spent a full year in the hospital and then another year in a rehab home. For years I struggled just to stay alive and healthy, Stan. But eventually I returned to seminary, and completed my degree. After several years of working with youth, my health and financial struggles prevented me from continuing.”

“That was the point that I began to use my “entrepreneurial spirit” to try and make enough money for myself – I simply did not want to rely on the government and handouts. I wanted more than what those sources could offer.”

“From 1995 to 2001 I probably tried 50 different businesses, both online and off-line before I came across “Secrets of the Big Dogs.” At one point I even worked with three other guys buying and selling cars. The other three quit and I was left with a $2000 loss. Although I was able to buy and sell some cars myself, it was impractical for me to work with this kind of business in my physical situation. I finally realized that if I was going to make it, with God’s help, I would have to do it by myself. That’s when I really began focusing on the Internet.”

Stan: “It’s important to point out to our readers, Mike, that, although you and I had communicated on and off during those first two years, I had no clue about your physical condition. It was not until that jaw-dropping conversation early this year that you accidentally let it slip.”

“Why was it that you didn’t say something about it earlier in our business relationship?”

Mike: “For a very good reason, Stan. I am only too aware that in our society many people look for any reason to fail. They use the smallest of adverse situations (some real, some imagined) to get special treatment or to get pity.”

“But I wanted neither special treatment and I certainly desired no one’s pity! I was not looking for a reason to fail because I knew I could succeed at ANYTHING I put my mind to!”

Stan: “Mr. Howell my friend”, I can’t tell you how courageous your attitude is!”

“But fellow Big Dogs, Mike story gets even MORE incredible because y’ see during those first two years, paralyzed from the neck down…”

“Mike operated his computer keyboard
using a pencil held in his mouth!!!

“Can any of you even remotely conceive of how difficult that would be? How many of US – and I include myself in that – how many of us have a spirit that is so indomitable that we could persevere under similar circumstances!?”

“My GOD! Talk about “no guts, no glory!”

Mike: “Thanks, Stan. Needless to say, it was just a “little” difficult for me. Fortunately, about a month after that talk we had I DID finally get some speech-recognition software which has proven to function extremely well. It has been a real blessing.”

Stan: “All-in-all, how long have you been marketing on the internet, and what had your experience been previous to joining Big Dogs?”

Mike: “Before I came across “Secrets of the Big Dogs,” I had tried many internet businesses, all of them promising fast or easy money (of course) but none seemed to deliver. I never made one sale.

From all the businesses I tried. I couldn’t seem to find any program that was well-rounded and provided everything that I needed to make a business work.”

“I really didn’t know whether I was making progress because I had no idea what it took to make sales and most of the programs had very little support. I spent much of 1995 through 2001 joining and quitting one program after another.”

Stan: “So along came “Big Dogs.” What happened?”

Mike: “It’s funny because I had bought “Secrets of the Big Dogs” for almost a year before I even looked at it!”

“After realizing my last internet business opportunity lacked any real potential, I finally looked over the e-book and I couldn’t put it down before reading the whole thing. It got me excited, but without hype, and it seemed to have a very understandable logic to it. I was determined to find something that would work and after a week of deliberating in my own mind and reading over the book some more I thought that if I would really get serious this could work!!”

“So I got started with most of the C.H.I.P.’s, applied the logic of the e-book and gave it a try. At least I thought I had tried the logic from the e-book.”
Disappointing Internet marketing results
“So I went back to the e-book and read it again. THIS time I took good notes and read it really good and realized that there were about five important points in the book that I failed to do or consider, SO I corrected those five points and tried again.”

“Bingo! I made my first sale ever. I was so excited, I was singing and dancing!”

“And in a few months, I had sold over 130 e-books.”

Mike big dog Howell and Bob Wieland September bulletin“Looking back, I could make these evaluations…”

(1) It takes (a lot!) a practice to write a good ad that gets a good response.
(2) I consistently would forget what the e-book recommended and would have to go back and reread certain portions (which would increase my responses).
(3) Reading the ads online of the more experienced Big Dogs was a tremendous help.
(4) Learning from my up line was tremendous.
(5) With the guidance from the e-book and my up line, I was just convinced that it would work.

“What I really like about “Secrets of the Big Dogs” is that it is so organized that it helped me in also being organized in other areas of my daily routines.  Also as a beginner with Internet marketing it really gave me an understanding of what the “ABC’s” of marketing online are all about. Also from what I learned gave me the ability to have even greater vision for doing other things.

Stan: “These other things Mike is referring to, fellow Big Dogs, is yet another portion of that jaw-dropping conversation we had. Because, y-see the second bombshell that Mike dropped was that he was going to stop active promotion of the Big Dogs program!”

“Isn’t that correct, Mike?”

Mike: “That’s true, Stan. For several years it had been my dream to write my own e-books. I’ve always felt that because of my life experiences, there was an “inner message” shouting to get out – a message that would inspire and help people to achieve more in their lives through a healthy and holistic lifestyle. I wanted to devote 100% of my time to this endeavor – I felt it was THAT important.”

Stan: “you’re not alone, Mike!”

“I’ve always looked upon the Big Dogs program as a “training program” of sorts, a “Guru U,” if you will, for teaching our people the basic knowledge of Internet marketing so that they CAN eventually leave the nest and establish their OWN products and services.”

“I am happy to say that we have DOZENS of folks who have done just that. They have used their experience with Big Dogs to make their own, individual mark upon the Internet community. And it always fills me with pride to see this happen.”

“So, what’s happened since you made this commitment, Mike?”

Mike: “Well, I’m happy to say that my e-book is coming along VERY nicely, and I hope to have the rough edges knocked off shortly.”

“But the really interesting thing is my continued Big Dogs sales!”

“Back when I told you I wanted to devote all of my time to writing my own e-book, I didn’t mean that I was going to QUIT Big Dogs. What I did was simply to put two or three of the C.H.I.P. programs on cruise-control for the last six months so I could devote all my time to my own writing project.”

“The bottom line is this, Stan…”

“For the last six months, using just two or three of the C.H.I.P’s (on
set-and-forget mode), and using practically the same ad… I STILL had a few sales every single month!!!”

Stan: “That IS incredible, Mike! In fact it’s SO mind-boggling, allow me to repeat what you just said.”

(1) You decided to curtail your active involvement with Big Dogs to work on your own e-book.
(2) You use only two or three of the C.H.I.P programs to promote Big Dogs.
(3) You just put’em on “set-and-forget mode.
(4) You use virtually the same ad over and over, and yet…
(5) Six months later you STILL managed to produce sales each month!

“That’s QUITE a testimonial for the Big Dogs program, Mike!”

“And I’m sure that our friends are just chomping at the bit to see a sample ad! Care to favor us with one?”

Mike: “My ads have all basically been the same with some minor changes. They all include these areas which I learned from the e-book and my upline…

(1) Your Intros need three things:
a. Mention there advertisement or email.
b. Give them some type of complement.
c. Get them to relate to you because you have been through the same disappointments.

(2) Paragraph 2: Get them to relate to you more with your experience and story.

(3) Paragraph 3: Get them to relate to you again from a different aspect, family and job, etc.

(4) Paragraph 4: Tell them a little bit about your solution. Make it relate to what they are doing now. (What you used to do).

(5) Paragraph 5: Share your results with enthusiasm and relate all of your success to the information at the site.

(6) Paragraph 6: Show them that you are real and that your results are real so they don’t think you are lying. Offer proof for them to contact you.

(7) Paragraph 7: Share your new found freedom and lifestyle change because of this information. Tell them that it works no matter the program.

(The Close): Tell them from the heart that if they keep doing what they are currently doing, they will continue to be frustrated and without the freedom or lifestyle they want. Tell them that they need to get this information today to turn this around.

Mike’s Sales Message:


I thought I would send you a return message after I saw your ad because we seem to be doing the same thing online and I thought you would appreciate a reply.

I think this will be worth reading because you will have access to people who have real help for your business. You can use my contact info below to correspond.

Just like you, I’ve been working hard by posting my ads on the Internet. But I finally admitted what I WAS doing was just not providing any positive results.

I’m sure you have experienced the same thing!

I know how hard it is to have success posting on free boards, classifieds, traffic exchanges, etc.

I know because the way you are doing it now I did for over a year and it has been a waste of many nights, slaving over my computer. I posted hundreds of ads and didn’t get one real response.

I wanted to give my computer a swift kick. 

But I was fortunate enough to have found a solution – one that has A REAL strategy with an easy-to-follow advertising plan.

FINALLY I’m getting results!

It helped me to make sales for the first time in my Internet career, and commissions are coming in!

It is just the beginning but now I have the ability to make my business work for me!

If you will go to the enclosed link, get the information and just apply it, you can expect the same.

This information will work for any reasonable business and IT WILL WORK EVERY TIME!

No, I didn’t say YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORK. Let’s be honest, you have to do your part, look at the link below, get the information, apply it to your business and you will know exactly what to do. The rest is just your sincere hunger to put your dreams of a better financial lifestyle into motion!

Listen — if you want to give your present business REAL strategies to advertise and make sales – if you want experienced and honest support – if you want a REAL chance online, you can start by reading the site and getting the information now.

Michael Howell
Personal Phone: 888-518-3331
tothetop4u (at) Gmail (dot) com
Los Angeles, California, USA

Stan: “Great ad, Michael -and great interview!”

“I just like to say that you are an unbelievable inspiration to us all. Your courage and perseverance are exceeded, I feel, only by your humility! I don’t think I’m exaggerating at all when I state that every Big Dog reading this interview will be touched by your rare combination of valor, talent, and modesty.”

“Would you care to offer a few words in closing, Mike?”

Mike: When I think about what allowed me to begin making sales I always think of three things…”

(1) The genius of the “Secrets of the Big Dogs” e-book.
(2) The unending support of my up line Jared Crebbs.
(3) The will not to give up.

“Above all, my friends, have faith in yourself!”

We are presenting you with an unparalleled opportunity, it’s an unparalleled opportunity to have a staggering number of qualified prospects handed to you on a monthly basis and to acquire an above average income that comes to you on an ongoing, reoccurring basis!

All YOU have to do is reach out and grab hold of the Stan big dog
comet’s tail. Otherwise…

“Step aside and let

the BIG DOGS eat!”

(And if you don’t ALREADY have your copy of “Secrets
of the Big Dogs”
you can pick it up at the link directly below:)

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